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   PlanetDreamcast | Features | The Scary Side of Sega

The Scary Side of Sega
"The Dreamcast's Scariest Games!" - by Retrovertigo

Sword of the Beserk: Guts' Rage, by Yuke's / Eidos
Genre: Action

Sword of the Beserk: Guts' Rage was an action game that received mediocre reviews when it was released. It told the story of a one-eyed warrior with a sword that was nearly as big as him. The gameplay is similar to that of the new PlayStation 2 game Devil May Cry. Personally, I thought it was a very enjoyable action game. The controls were a bit awkward, but the game's bizarre style was what hooked me in.

Although the game wasn't really scary, it did feature some freakishly mutated creatures. It's been awhile since I last played the game, but I believe that the amount of bloodshed was actually increased before it was released in the U.S. (but don't quote me on that).

The most frightening aspect of the game:
Some of the creatures in this game are just downright weird looking, and cutting them in half doesn't make them look any prettier. I've got to give it to the developers for coming up some original creature designs, too.

Nightmare Creatures 2 by Kalisto / Konami
Genre: Action

Even with the support of a big name in the music industry like Rob Zombie, doesn't guarantee that your game will be a smash hit, especially if you're Konami and you have a game called Nightmare Creatures 2. The artistic presentation was the best part of the game, it was kind of a Nosferatu meets Sherlock Holmes style.
Beating up hellishly bizarre creatures is the object of the game, but you might find doing so a bit confusing, and the controls are quite clumsy.

The most frightening aspect of the game:
Unfortunately, the scariest part of this fright fest is the clunky controls. The graphics aren't very good either.

Zombie Revenge, by Sega
Genre: Action

The ingredients of Zombie Revenge are simple. Take the 1 part Resident Evil and 1 part Dynamite Cop. Mix vigoriously, and add the voice talent (if you can call it "talent") from House of the Dead 2. Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until golden brown.

The texture work at the time was amazing, especially on the character faces, however the gameplay was something else. If you like beat-em-ups this might provide some entertainment, but there's a lot better out there.

The most frightening aspect of the game:
Zombie Revenge is being ported to the PlayStation 2, and is not one of Sega's most flattering games.

Illbleed, by AIA USA / Jaleco
Genre: Survival

I'll be honest, I could not get into Illbleed. The game was difficult as hell for me to get into. I thought it would be a lot like the Resident Evil games, but instead it took the survival genre to a new gameplay direction, which I respect, but just couldn't appreciate.

The campy dark humor was enjoyable and the "tales" that you participate in were produced well, but the gameplay was frustrating and I was constantly dying and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, and didn't have the patience learn it.

The most frightening aspect of the game:
Besides the insane amount of blood spilled, the scariest thing was trying to figure out what the hell to do.

Next: Even More Scary Games

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