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   PlanetDreamcast | Features | The Games of Sonic (1995 - Present/Unreleased Games)

Sonic Week: Day 2 - The Games of Sonic (1995 - Present/Unreleased Games)
Even more Sonic game action. - by Reojojo - Page 2/2

Sonic Week Logo
Sonic the Hedgehog has been a Sega icon since his introduction in 1991. He's appeared in tons of games over several different consoles. He's touched our lives like no other hedgehog ever has. So we've decided that it was time to show him exactly how much he means to us.

We've pit together a week full of Sonic stuff for you all to enjoy! Today, we're taking a look at some of the more recent Sonic games, starting since 1995. Also, we'll touch upon the Sonic games that never made it to retail. Here is a list of games that featured our favorite hog.

Sonic Jam - Game.com

Sonic hits a low. (Image courtesy of GameSpot)
An attempt at re-creating the hit Saturn title on Tiger's puny handheld, this is easily the worst Sonic game you'll ever find, bar none.

The graphics were in monochrome and the sound, terrible. Actually, the biggest problem with Sonic Jam on the Game.com was the slowdown. While in the original Sonic games it took no more than 10 minutes to complete a stage, in this game it could take up to an HOUR to beat a single level. This is due to the fact that the game slowed down every time there was an enemy or animated object on screen. Stay away from this one at all costs.

Released: 1998

Sonic Adventure - Sega Dreamcast

Sonic hits the Dreamcast... finally!
The best-selling Dreamcast game to date, Sonic Adventure was the light at the end of the tunnel.

Since the Genesis days there had been a drought of good Sonic games, and with the release of SA, the pattern was finally broken. Sonic's first foray into the world of 3D and a launch title for the Dreamcast, it is a good game despite some yawn-inducing sequences (most notably those featuring "Big the Cat" and "E-102"). It's on the demo disc that comes with every Dreamcast, so if you haven't done so yet, check it out. And while you're at it, have a look at our review.

Released: 1999

Sonic Shuffle - Dreamcast

Is that Mario Party?
Sega's answer to Mario Party, this Dreamcast title was an interesting game but nothing too special.

Sonic Shuffle is the typical "go-around-and-play-mini-games" formula, but the lack of online play seriously limited its potential. Unless you happened to have 4 controllers and 3 other gamers playing with you, it would have been hard to get the full effect of the game. For more info, check out our review.

Released: 2000

Sonic Pocket Adventure - Neo Geo Pocket Color

One of the many reasons that owning a NGP is a good thing.
Essentially a hybrid of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on a handheld, Sonic Pocket Adventure combined elements of both games to make a cohesive whole. Overall, it is probably the best handheld Sonic game to date. The graphics are crisp and colorful, and the gameplay is classic "Sonic." The game does feel a bit strange as the Neo Geo Pocket Color has a vertical screen and it makes the view somewhat odd.

Released: 2000

Sonic Adventure 2 - Sega Dreamcast

The future of Sonic... well, the near future.
If you haven't caught on, it's Sonic's 10th birthday this Saturday.

This spectacular event is the motivation behind this feature, and more importantly Sonic Adventure 2. Promising to be Sonic's best adventure yet, it returns to the old high-speed gameplay of the Genesis games. With 6 playable characters, this will be one to look for. The game is shipping as we speak and you can expect a review here at PlanetDreamcast very soon. A short, but sweet, demo was packed with Phantasy Star Online, and you can read our preview, here.

Released: 2001

Sonic Advance - Game Boy Advance

A new generation of Sonic handheld titles. (Image courtesy of IGN.
Currently in development for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance, this looks to be a bigger, better version of Sonic Pocket Adventure.

Developed by Dimps, a team created of former SNK staff who are also responsible for Sonic Pocket Adventure, the game is coming along nicely and should be available this November. For those of you who haven't yet tried out a Game Boy Advance, it is without a doubt one of the best handhelds ever. A new Sonic game for the console is definitely a good thing.

Intended Release Date: 2001

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Genesis

The missing Genesis Sonic title.
Development on Sonic the Hedgehog 4 was about fifty percent complete when the game was moved over to the 32X and revamped.

Sonic and Tails were attached by a magnetic field that acted quite a bit like a rubber band. The gameplay was classic Sonic, except for said enhancement. Though a neat concept, the gameplay turned out to be a bit slow, which is quite a problem for the world's fastest hedgehog. The alpha version can be found online if you're really interested, but it is very primitive. It's also known as Sonic Crackers.

Cancelled: 1994

Sonic X-Treme - Sega Saturn

A real 3D Sonic for the Saturn, which never was.
Developed by Sega of America during Saturn days, Sonic X-Treme promised to be Sonic's first full-3D game but was canned after a few years in development. The cancellation came near the demise of the Saturn, and development continued on Sonic Adventure instead.

Cancelled: 1996

Knuckles Choatix - Sega 32X

A Sonic title for the 32X... Sort of.
Though it isn't actually a Sonic game, this is what Sonic the Hedgehog 4 became. A rather mediocre game by all standards, Knuckles Chaotix didn't really take full advantage of the 32X hardware or offer anything new in terms of gameplay. If you missed it, don't worry too much.

Released: 1995

Tommorow we'll take a look at some of the Sonic merchadise that has hit the street.

Choose a day of Sonic Week coverage:

Day 1 - The Games of Sonic (1991 - 1994)
Day 3 - Sonic Merchandise
Day 4 - The Creators of Sonic
Day 5 - The Future of Sonic

Special thanks goes too our hosted site, Shadow of a Hedgehog, for most of the media and some great info.

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