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   PlanetDreamcast | Features | Mr. Domino's ChuChu Rocket Contest
He's got the skillz to pay the billz.

Mr. Domino: Who wants free games!?

Legless Orphan Kids: Me me me me me!

Mr. Domino: Yeah, me too, but I can't enter the contest since GameSpy employees aren't allowed. I am still a GameSpy employee, right?

BenT: I think so.

Mr. Domino: ...

  • No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!

    Catchy, isn't it? Of course, the game of the same name had a wee bit of a hand in choosing that magically delicious contest name. Yes, I am eating Lucky Charms right now, but that has nothing to do with the contest. The contest is a simple challenge: beat me at Chu Chu Rocket!

  • Beat you? That's all?

    Yes! That's it! Simple, eh? Little do they realize that I wrote an expert battle guide for the game when the game was released about a year ago. I will crush everyone like a bug! Well, a small bug! A small bug that doesn't fly! Yes, just like that! SMASH!

    Huh? Oh yeah! Well, I used to be good, but I haven't played in the longest time. Perhaps my mad angry skillz have eroded over time to the point where I can be stomped upon again and again like a little girl. Perhaps I can still hand you your buttocks on a platter, not that I have any desire to make contact with your rear. Who knows? We'll see soon enough.

  • What does this have to do with anything?

    There are a number of reasons we're holding this contest. That number is three:

    1. BenT clued me in on last year's ChuChu Contest, a musical contest with some really great entries. I loved the idea, and set in my mind we had to do another.
    2. I've been wanting to hold a contest for the longest time ("longest time" not to exceed the number of days I've been affliated with PlanetDreamcast) but couldn't think of something worth doing. BenT said "No One Can Stop Mr. Domino" would make a great contest name, and I conceded as much to avoid further electric shocks.
    3. ChuChu Rocket's servers are a veritable ghost town without the ghosts. They are D-E-A-D -- dead. This contest will probably be the last time anyone ever logs onto the game for competition again.

    If you are looking for a fourth reason, there isn't any.

  • What are the rules?

    Just log onto the ChuChu servers this Saturday, March 10. I'll be available for a thrashing from 5 PM to 8 PM Pacific Time. The contest will be held on Server 1 Beginner 1, since that's the only US room which ever got any real traffic. My ChuChu Rocket ID will be "Mr. Domino" (no quotes).

    I'll start or join games for three hours -- everyone is game. Matches must have four human players or else they will not count. Whoever wins gets to fight me one-on-one (well, with two CPU opponents). Whoever can stop me from winning wins (CPU victories don't count). The prizes are given in order of whoever can beat me the most.

    Before you log on, be sure to send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following information:

    Real Name:
    ChuChu ID:
    Postal Address:
    Favorite Cereal:

  • If I win, what do I get?
    First Prize: A copy of Phantasy Star Online, a GameSpy Swag Pack, your favorite non-Quisp cereal of choice, and The Secret of Fire!
    Second Prize: A copy of Sword of the Beserk and a GameSpy Swag Pack!
    Third Prize: A GameSpy Swag Pack! (You don't want to be here.)


    Contest ended March 10, 2001. Check the list of winners if you dare.

    You may want to read the Tiny Print.

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