Sega Sites
Sega USA - Official Sega of America site.
Sega Japan - Official Sega of Japan site (in Japanese).
Sega Europe - Official Sega of Europe site.
Hardware Developers
Mad Catz - 3rd Party peripheral developer for the Dreamcast.
AgeTec - A 3rd Party peripheral developer for the American Dreamcast market.
Software Developers
Microsoft - Makers of Windows CE the OS compatible with certain DC games.
Sonic Team - The amazing Sonic Team's homepage (in Japanese).
Konami USA - Official Konami of America site.
Konami Japan - Official Konami of Japan site (in Japanese).
Bizarre Creations - British developers of Metropolis Street Racer.
No Cliche - French developers of Toy Commander.
Red Lemon - British developers of Take The Bullet.
Namco Japan - Developers of Soul Calibur (in Japanese).
Namco America - Namco of America's site.
Codemasters - British developers, rumoured to be working on DC games.
Infogrames - Working on a new Snow Boarding game.
Ubisoft USA - The American site of the French developers.
Ubisoft UK - The UK site of the French developers.
Capcom - The genius behind Res. Evil and Street Fighter, as well as Powerstone.
Criterion Studios - Developers of the DC Redline Racer.
Midway - Developers of Mortal Kombat and Ready 2 Rumble.
id Software - Prolific PC developers with the intent to port Quake III: Arena on the DC.
Software Publishers
Sega - Sega is a publisher as well.
GT Interactive - Publishers of the Mortal Kombat games amongst others.
Acclaim - The prolofic publisher Acclaim's site.
Activision - Publishers of Blue Stinger.
Eidos - Publisher Eidos's site.
Virgin - Virgin Interactive's site.
Community Dreamcast Sites
Dreamcast IGN - Imagine Gaming Network's Dreamcast site.
Dreamcast.Net - Gamer's Alliance's Dreamcast site.
PSY Online - Good UK Dreamcast review site. Also covers NeoGeo Pocket.
Sega-Zone - Enora Publishing's Dreamcast site.
SegaWeb - A well maintained Sega news site.
DreamStation - A nice fan-oriented DC site.
Information Sites
PowerVR Revolution - Dreamcast: An Introduction for Newbies.