E3 2000 Wrap-Up
A look at Sega's showing at E3 - By BenT and Fragmaster
E3. Two letters that inspire fear and awe in the hearts of gaming journalists everywhere. So what is E3? It's short for Electronic Entertainment Expo, an annual gathering of people and companies from all walks of the home electronic gaming industry. All of the latest and hottest games and hardware is showcased there before it's available to the public, and companies tend to make huge announcements during the show. In short, E3 is the de facto show that sets the pulse for the gaming year to come, and it's absolutely essential for major companies to represent there.
 Typical booth babes. |
Being a relatively new site, this was the first E3 we attended. As you might expect, it was a little overwhelming. Still, it was quite the learning experience. The number one lesson? Wear comfortable shoes. (And number two is bring your own lunch, because you don't want to pay $8 for a five-inch pizza.) Anyway, let's get to the games. Sega had a very impressive showing this year, and many (ourselves included) believe they had the best booth of the show. Sony? In GameSpy parlance, they pretty much got owned. In fact, were it not for the impressive Metal Gear Solid 2 video, PS2 advocates wouldn't have much to brag about. But that game was indeed shown (in unplayable video form, mind you), so now PS2 zealots can be heard boasting about a game that's over 18 months away. As always, I point out that the Dreamcast has the great games now. Not 18 months in the future, but now. I really don't see the logic in wasting over a year salivating uselessly while dozens of other great games pass one by. But, to each their own, I guess.
In any case, Dreamcast users do indeed have a lot to look forward to, so let's get on with the coverage already!
Next: 3DO, Acclaim, and Activision