Rejected Features Week
Five features that were put out to pasture... for a reason.
At any given time, we usually have a bunch of ideas for new editorial features on PlanetDreamcast. Of course, not all of these are quality, and not all of these make it off the drawing board. The reasons for rejection are varied, but it usually comes down to the fact that what sounded like a great idea on paper turned out to be crap in reality.
This week we'll be running five different features that were never to be, but here's the twist: only one of them is actually real. That means that only one of them was ever intended to be a real, bi-weekly feature on PlanetDreamcast. The other four are just thrown in there to confuse and amuse you. So the question is, will you be able to separate the real from the fake? The Contest below should determine that quite nicely. Now, prepare your eyes for things that were never meant to be... enjoy?
The Rejected Features
Feature One: Me and My Dreamcast
Feature Two: Manual Transmission
Feature Three: Dave the Dreamcast
Feature Four: DJ Swirl's Tilt-O-Whirl
Feature Five: PDC Playmate of the Month
First Place Winner: Ryan Mills of Keokuk, Iowa
Second Place Winner: Kris Promagan of Bronx, New York
Third Place Winner: Tony Piecz of McHenry, Illinois
Congrats to the winners! You should be hearing from us soon.
So what was the "real" rejected feature? None other than Dave the Dreamcast. Yep. Back in May Fragmaster had the bright(?) idea of creating an episodic comic book that would run on PlanetDreamcast. The main problem, of course, was how to make that Dreamcast-related. The most obvious idea was DC-as-a-superhero, so that's what we chose. It took three days of off-and-on labor to make the test issue, and... well, we weren't quite pleased with the results, and in the end Dave got shelved.
What a waste of time, we thought! But then, an idea was born: Rejected Features Week. You're looking at it now.
By the way, you know that wacky looking fellow who stars in Dave? That's Shasta, head p1mp of FilePlanet. Send him your love for being a great sport! :)
Anyway, that's it. I hope you've enjoyed this slightly... unusual... feature. Would you like to see more stuff like this from PDC in the future? Tell us what you think!
The Contest
The contest is over, see above!
Q: So like, only one of these is real, huh?
A: Yes.
Q: Which one is it?
A: That's for you to figure out.
Q: Why should I?
A: Well, there's a contest you can enter if you guess the correct answer.
Q: Really? What's the prize?
A: We've got three prize sets lined up for ya:
First Prize: 3 Dreamcast games of your choice, plus a stylin' shirt and hat courtesy of DJ Swirl.
Second Prize: A copy of Sydney 2000 for the Dreamcast, and a GameSpy Swag Pack.
Third Prize: A dead AA battery and a GameSpy Swag Pack.
As you can see, fabulous, untold riches await the winner. Be sure to enter today! The Contest ends at midnight on Thursday, September 28th. Don't miss your chance to win! (One entry per person, please.)
Read the Official Contest Rules
Previous (Non-Rejected) Features
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