PlanetDreamcast: Do the new, high-detail character models use the same data format as the PC game?
Randy Pitchford: Captivation has written some very clever tools to compress
model data into a new format which is very friendly to the Dreamcast. The
Half-Life for Dreamcast model format is different than the original PC model
 Lunch break! |
PlanetDreamcast: Will Blue Shift's new weapons differ significantly from the ones we've seen
in classic Half-Life and OpFor?
Randy Pitchford: From a balance and game-play point of view, the new
weapons are very similar to their counterparts in the original PC games. From an
artistic point of view, the new weapons are significantly enhanced and offer
improved resolution and detail.
PlanetDreamcast: How about the enemies? Are there any new critters in there to scare the crap
out of us?
Randy Pitchford: The monsters in the game are familiar, but again they have
been enhanced to take advantage of the Dreamcast hardware. New details have
been added to the enemies and lots of new animation has been added (mostly
Blue Shift).
PlanetDreamcast: Are you going to include unlockable extras, a la Goldeneye, to increase the
game's longetivity once both missions (Original & Blue Shift) have been
Randy Pitchford: In Half-Life for Dreamcast, the player will discover cheat
codes by playing the game. Many of the codes are delivered on screen as the
player completes certain milestones.
 Hmm, his gun looks bigger. |
Once earned, the cheat codes can be
entered in the menus to give the player special abilities, jump to specific
sections of the game or unlock hidden features.
PlanetDreamcast: Will there be any novel uses of the VMU's LCD screen?
Randy Pitchford: There aren't any VMU mini-games because that would've
taken development time away from more important stuff like the new
episode. But, we may show some of the HUD elements on the VMU
screen during play.
PlanetDreamcast: How many VMU blocks will Half-Life take up? Will you be able to save
Randy Pitchford: You'll be able to fit two saved games per standard sized
You'll also be able to save game options (like custom configuration, etc)
still have room for the two saved games. And, yes, you'll be able to save
game anywhere you'd like.
PlanetDreamcast: And finally... why is Walter such a creep?
Randy Pitchford: Heh. You should hear how he treats Barney in Blue Shift.
it's not his fault, he was just modeled that way.
And so we wait.