Destroy everything in sight! (But leave the fruit alone.) - by Mr. Domino
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Screenshot Gallery
 Hi, you. Time to die. |
 The massive carnage is almost beautiful at times. |
 Whoa, I'm having flashbacks to Fantavision. |
 Finally, something I can agree with. |
 Most games don't even have this many missles, total. Bangai-O has them in the space of 3 seconds. |
 If you've played the N64 import, you'll notice that the backgrounds are very much improved. |
 Some levels are a bit puzzle-ly. A very little bit. |
 Japlish is great. |
RealAudio Music Clip #1
RealAudio Music Clip #2
Intro (MPEG) - The intro is unspectacular, but sets the tone for the game's wackyness. [Big (14.5M)] - [Small (7.8M)]
Gameplay 1 (MPEG) - This quick run through Milky Way Station should give you a good idea of general gameplay. [Big (10.4M)] - [Small (5.6M)]
Gameplay 2 (MPEG) - Assaulting the Nebula Fortress. Good music, but I get a bad ass-kicking from the boss. [Big (15.4M)] - [Small (8.3M)]
Essential Links:
Treasure Home Page - It's in Japanese.
Andy Warhol's depiction of Space Fruit.
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