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   PlanetDreamcast | Features | Previews | GigaWing 2

GigaWing 2
Reflect bullets for fun and profit (if you can live that long). - by Mr. Domino
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At last! A speeding over a city scene where the buildings actually look big like buildings should.

She reminds me of Devil Hunter Yohko, minus all the devil hunting. The character design is really nice.

Yikes. Still, you can see the left-right-left patterns common in many "impossible" bullet waves.

If this doesn't remind you of Radiant Silvergun, well, then you've never played it. For once in their lives, Takumi makes a game with style.

Powering-up helps. It's unwise to power-down.

The corndog laser packs a mighty punch.

Wow. Why did they even tarnish the game by making it a sequel to GigaWing?

That was my reaction, too, once Wendy's stopped serving those Bacon Chicken Swiss sandwiches.

Absorb a lot of bullets and you may get an emerald bonus to add to your score.

The backgrounds effects really put other Dreamcast shooters to shame.

Okay, so not all bosses have a World War II look. Still, the game oozes style.

The crew ponders who to shoot next.

Bomb. Bomb. Bomb. Bomb. Bomb. Bomb. Bomb.

Select your fighter! Each is unique and require different strategies.

Mars Matrix bosses utterly suck compared to GigaWing 2.

Four player mode means four people can play in that mode. I wish I knew four people.

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