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   PlanetDreamcast | Features | Sega Classics: Gunstar Heroes

Sega Classics: Gunstar Heroes
Relentlessly innovative and a technical knockout, Gunstar is the real deal for action fans - by BenT
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There's stuff blowing up right from the start. Excellent.

The boss of stage 1. Is it just me, or does this bunch look like the Grandis gang from Nadia?

Minibosses abound.

The "silly dice maze" is awesome. Take a roll, and pray you don't land on a boss space!

Treasure's distinctive humor shines through in Melon Bread, THE weakest boss ever conceived. You have to actually TRY if you want to get injured by him.

This boss warps and wobbles about, showcasing effects that were once thought impossible on the Genesis.

The one and only Curry and Rice. I should start a fan club.

The doctor doesn't waste words. :)

This train is wasted, as is that M.Bison lookalike. Time for Seven Force!

Seven Force. Get ready.

He always uses the Soldier first. Not too hard, providing you have a long-range weapon.

The Tiger form is a pushover -- enjoy the break while you can.

Well-placed super slides (half-circle forward + fire) are a good way to show off your mad skillz.

The most terrifying boss attack ever conceived.

Ready for a change of pace? Stage 6 is a sidescrolling shooter!

The ship's core has one hell of a cool defense system.

Essential Links:

  • ClassicGaming.com
  • Platformer.com - (Gunstar Page)
  • Seven Force
  • The Magical Number Seven
  • Previous Features

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