Marvel vs. Capcom
Release Date: 10/13/99
Status: Released
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Fighting
Game Summary
Another 2D Capcom fighter in the tradition of Street Fighter II pitting Marvel comic book characters against Capcom superstars.
It's Kinda Like...
The Marvel vs. Capcom arcade game.
Choose from 15 characters from the entire Capcom and Marvel Universes
Includes 20 additional 'helper' characters which assist your team in times of
Lightning fast game play and seamless animation: for the first time,
experience up to four characters fighting on the screen at once
5 Modes of Game play: Arcade, Versus, Training, Survival, and Cross Fever
Cross Fever Mode allows up to four players to battle it out simultaneously in a
true tag team match
PlanetDreamcast's Marvel vs. Capcom Review
IGN's Review
SegaX's Review
X-Button - Light Punch
Y-Button - Medium Punch
A-Button - Light Kick
B-Button - Medium Kick
Y+B Buttons - Call in Guest Character
Left Trigger - Heavy Punch
Right Trigger - Heavy Kick
Left + Right Triggers - Switch characters
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