Resident Evil - Code Veronica
Release Date: 3/28/00
Status: Released
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Survival Horror
Game Summary
The Terror is Relentless!
It stalks its prey with cunning. Its reflexes... lightning
fast... its power... terrifying. Now it's after you! You are
Claire Redfield as her next nightmare begins in the most
chilling game series of all time. Experience a new chapter
in survival horror. After surviving the horrific onslaught in
Raccoon City, Claire now arrives in Europe following new
clues regarding her missing brother and Umbrella
Corporation's insidious activities. Once inside Umbrella's
remote lab, she discovers that her terrifying ordeal is far
from over. The nightmare continues.
In her search she is captured and sent to an isolated
prison on a desolate Island. While it remains a
mysteryhow Chris, one of the original S.T.A.R.S. team
members, appears in Resident Evil: Code Veronica,
players will be reacquainted with his iron will, body of
steel and munitions expertise to seek the truth behind the
dreaded Umbrella biotoxins.
The nightmare plague of the Resident Evil� adventure
now spreads to Sega Dreamcast�
Command Claire Redfield as she searches to locate her
missing brother, S.T.A.R.S. member, Chris Redfield
Graphics so real, so terrifying...you'll beg to keep the
lights on
New 1st-Person perspective battles take you directly
into the horrifying drama
PlanetDreamcast's Resident Evil: Code Veronica Review
IGN's Review
SegaX's Review
VMU Usage
Saved games require 11 blocks.
X-Button - Action / Confirm selection
Y-Button - Map screen
A-Button - Dash / Cancel selection
B-Button - Status screen / Cancel
Left Trigger - Change targets (while holding R)
Right Trigger - Ready weapon (hold)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica is the first North American Dreamcast release to contain multiple CD's (RE:CV has two).
Capcom's Official Resident Evil: Code Veronica Site
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