Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Release Date: 9/9/99
Status: Launch Title
Developer: Genki
Publisher: Crave
Genre: Racing
Game Summary
An unconventional racer in which you race on Tokyo highways, avoiding traffic while trying to catch up to your opponent.
It's Kinda Like...
Midtown Madness on Valium.
The Buzz
The graphics are great and this one did well in Japan. Improvements will be made to the U.S. version, the question is whether or not U.S. gamers will accept the odd concept.
PlanetDreamcast's Tokyo Xtreme Racer Review
IGN's Review
Sega X's Review
X-Button - Gear down
Y-Button - Change view
A-Button - Gear up
B-Button - Flash high beams
Left Trigger - Break
Right Trigger - Gas
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