Slave Zero
Release Date: 11/16/99
Status: Released
Developer: Infogrames
Publisher: Infogrames
Genre: Action
Game Summary
It's 500 years in the furture. Man and machine are virtually one,
and the world is locked in a brutal war. Your mission: Steal the
largest, most sophisticated biomechanical attack weapon ever
designed and kick some serious butt!
Mammoth Scale - Huge scale differences between Slave Zero and the other
objects and buildings in the city.
Eye-Popping Animation - Slave Zero appears to be alive on screen, breathing
and twitching with anticipation. Dodging, shooting, jumping, grabbing, and
hoisting are only a few of the fluid animations Slave Zero offers. From flying
vehicles to roving sentinels, the enemies animate better than any game to date.
Interactive and Lively City - Packed with hover cars, heavy ground traffic, floating
advertisements, and screaming humans fleeing for their lives, the city literally
has a life of its own. Crush cars and tanks underfoot, climb city buildings, swat
hover vehicles, while en route to reach mission goals.
The Ecstasy Engine - 3D has never been so immersive. With enough bandwidth
to have a hundreds of moving objects in a lively city, highly animated characters
and a 3rd person point-of-view at over 30fps, Slave Zero?s engine breaks out
from the competition.
Slave Zero is a 65 foot environment mapped, bump mapped, mip mapped,
gouraud shaded, multi-textured, multi-resolutioned, adaptively animated hunk
of attitude!
PlanetDreamcast's Slave Zero Review
IGN's Review
SegaX's Review
X-Button - Strafe Left
Y-Button - Move Forward
A-Button - Strafe Right
B-Button - Move Backwards
Left Trigger - Fire Hand-Held Weapon
Right Trigger - Fire Rocket Launcher
D-Pad Up - Jump
D-Pad Down - Stomp
D-Pad Right + R Trigger - Change Weapon
D-Pad Right + L Trigger - Grab/Throw
Slave Zero Homepage
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