Release Date: 12/19/99
Status: Released
Developer: Sting
Publisher: Ubi Soft
Genre: RPG
Game Summary
It's 1930, and a group of archeologists have found an ancient
civilization. Within the ruins, they have uncovered a mysterious
machine with powers beyond anything they could possibly imagine.
Only you can uncover its mystical powers.
Revolutionary real-time 3D graphics,
A wacky cast of characters with real emotions and personalities.
Journey across worlds with randomized dungeons providing a unique
experience for every venture.
360 degree camera angles protect against unforeseen enemies.
Collect thousands of valuable treasures and artifacts to earn magical powers.
Become immersed in beautifully detailed 3D environments.
PlanetDreamcast's Evolution Review
IGN's Review
SegaX's Review
VMU Usage
Saved games require 8 blocks.
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