Release Date: 12/28/99
Status: Released
Developer: Zed Two
Publisher: Xicat
Genre: Puzzle
Game Summary
Wetrix is a hypnotic, addictive, blindingly colorful water-based puzzle game that plays on a moving and grooving 3D landscape.
PlanetDreamcast's Wetrix+ Review
IGN's Review
SegaX's Review
If you're having trouble, try practice or handicap mode. Also, concentrate on building small dams at the beginning of each match to hold water bubbles, then seal off the rest of the landscape a little later to keep out the rain.
X-Button - Rotate falling piece
Y-Button - Launch Attack (multiplayer) \ Smart Bomb (singleplayer)
A-Button - Drop falling piece
B-Button - Rotate falling piece
Triggers - Zoom Camera
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