Star Wars Episode 1: Racer
Release Date: 4/3/00
Status: Released
Developer: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Genre: Racing
Game Summary
Climb on, strap in and experience
the pure adrenaline-pumping
excitement of the Podracing
sequence from Star Wars:
Episode I The Phantom
Menace. Take the controls as
Jedi-to-be Anakin Skywalker, or
any one of over 20 Podracers,
and feel the full-force blast of
two massive jet engines at simulated speeds of up to 600 mph.
Rein in a turbine-driven chariot through 8 spectacular worlds.
Negotiate through flaming methane lakes, Tusken Raider assaults,
anti-gravity tunnels and much more in a pulse-pounding, do-or-die
fight to the finish where anyone will do anything to cross the
finish line. How far will you go?
Relive all the thrills and excitement of the Podrace sequence
from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
With afterburners on, Podracers max out at a simulated 600
Race in furious competition against 20-plus opponents.
Take on over 20 tracks in 8 unique worlds.
Avoid hazards such as methane lakes, meteor showers and
Tusken Raiders.
Featuring Jake Lloyd as the voice of Anakin Skywalker.
Spectacular 3D environments
Sound effects and epic soundtrack taken directly from
Episode I.
PlanetDreamcast's Episode I Racer Review
IGN's Review
X-Button - Slow down
Y-Button - Tilt left
A-Button - Speed up
B-Button - Tilt right
Left Trigger - Flamejet
LucasArt's Official Episode I Racer Site
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