Heavy Metal: Geomatrix From comic books to movies, and now on the Dreamcast. - Review By Celeryface - Page 2/2
 2-players can join in with co-op, versus, and tag modes. |
The Bad
With all the good things that are happening in Geomatrix there are some downfalls. One of them being that the online play was removed from the US version. Capcom games like Spawn and Street Fighter Alpha 3 had the same fate, but Heavy Metal: Geomatrix could have been a great an online game for the US. Online play would have fit in perfect with Geomatrix. But we have to look at the business side of this, as it probably would have taken Capcom a longer time to get the online play to work here in the US, and then we would have been met with more delays, and of course a higher price tag.
A feature that could have extended the replayability of this game, that isn't present, is the ability to unlock new items, levels, or characters. (Unless they are super secret, because I haven't found any yet). So the replay value will go down because after you finish the Arcade mode, and the Chaosmatrix mode, there really isn't much to do, except if you want to have a few 2-player matches. But for the single player, the game ends rather quickly.
 Better run, that rocket is going some place you don't want it to. |
Something that I couldn't figure out in the game was why would they would have character levels for your opponent, but not you.There are character levels shown at the battle screen in the arcade mode, but oddly enough your character isn't given a character level, which makes having these levels almost irrelevant. Although, when you get further into the Arcade mode, the harder opponents have a higher character level, but I just don't see the relevance of having character levels if you can't do anything with them. I know it may sound like I am nit-picking here, but that was something that I just didn't get.
A feature that would have been great for Heavy Metal: Geomatrix would be if Capcom added in some artwork on the CD to unlock. But Capcom did do something similar, by putting up some of the character designs on the Internet. You can check them out here. So Capcom was thinking in that department, but there were no hidden treats for people who actually purchased the game. (Besides the game itself)
During matches one bad thing that stands out is how easy it is for your opponent to hit you after they get up off the ground. It's almost automatic that they hit you. This can be frustrating at times and it's something that I should point out. Something else to note would be that Geomatrix can be very difficult when you get into the last few levels, especially the 2 vs 1 matches. Be warned, as you may have to turn down the difficulty when you first start out.
The Final Word
Even though I have a few issues with Geomatrix, mainly not having online play, I can say that this game is a good value at $19.99. You get amazing graphics, good gaming music, and some arcade style gameplay that is fun for the casual gamer, but might leave feature-loving gamers looking for more. Overall, I would have to say that Heavy Metal: Geomatrix is a solid effort by Capcom, and will make a nice addition to your Dreamcast collection.
This will probably be the last title from Capcom for the Dreamcast, unless they decide to release Capcom VS SNK 2 here in the US for the Dreamcast. (Only announced in the US for PS2) Capcom has been a great 3rd-party developer and great supporter for the Dreamcast since it hit the market back in 1999. So I would just like to tip my hat and say "thanks" to Capcom for giving me some great games to play on my Dreamcast.
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Fighting
Highs: Awesome graphics, good framerate, great price, soundtrack ties in with the gameplay very well.
Lows: No online play, lack of unlockable features, can be very difficult.
Other: 1-2 Players, VMU Compatible (4 Blocks), Jump Pack Compatible, Standard Controller, Arcade Stick, VGA Box.
Final Score:

(out of a possible 10)
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