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   PlanetDreamcast | Games | Reviews | Sega Bass Fishing 2
    Sega Bass Fishing 2
Fishing At Its Best On The Dreamcast - Review By GamingNoise-Chip - Page 2/2

  • The Bad

    It's fishing. For many gamers the idea of a video game about fishing is the ultimate antithesis of what gaming should be about. Sitting in front the television trying to catch a small mouth bass just doesn't cut it for most people. This is a true niche title.

    I am a bit disappointed in the "create a player" mode of the game. Adding a create-a-player for the sake of having one just isn't acceptable anymore. It is nice that you can choose your fisherman (both multicultural women and men are represented), however just adding glasses, hats, and changing the color of the boat or vests doesn't cut it for me. Maybe I am spoiled with the intense features of NBA 2k, but if you are going to have this in the game, give me something I really can sink my teeth into. If I can't make myself, I know the feature just isn't robust enough for my tastes.

    From the "it's a good and a bad thing" comes the special fishing controller. I'll be honest, even I felt a bit geeky shelling out 20 bucks for this baby, but in the end, it made for the best digital fishing experience possible. Is it a worthwhile investment even if there are only three games that support it? My answer is a resounding yes. And what a three games they are!

    My two biggest complaints with the title deal with the lack of multiplayer and online mode. I've completely given up on Sega's support of online play, and Sega Bass Fishing 2 is no exception. I have almost forgotten what the modem in the back of the machine is for. If there ever was an easier title to make online compatible, I'm not sure what would be. The ability to fish with a friend online at a tournament, or compare your catches would have made this a tough title to beat. And while I understand that making a game with this type of pace multiplayer is a challenge, I don't accept that they didn't even try. Why not a cool split screen mode and a time limit. I could see this as a blast to play, but we will never get that chance on the Dreamcast now will we?

    There are some other minor quibbles that you may encounter the more time that you spend with it. Depending on the conditions, you could be there for awhile -- like Seaman in the water. Watch and wait. Drink a refreshing beverage. More watching and waiting.

  • The Final Word

    If you have the patience for it, Sega has made a title that meets the high standards they set with the original version and taken it to another level. Digital fishing may not be your idea of a fun time, but give it a chance and you will be pleasantly surprised. The pacing of the game may have you dozing off at times, but with a little persistence you will find one of the most underrated games of 2001.

    Developer: WOW Entertainment
    Publisher: Sega
    Genre: Sports

    Highs: Multiple fisherman, customization of fisherman, open seas - ability to move boat into position, dynamic weather conditions, don't have to get in goofy clothes at 5 in the morning to play, time agnostic - with fishing controller will remain fun long after system is gone, don't have to bait a hook.
    Lows: No beer, no online mode, no multiplayer, need special controller to get most out of the title.
    Other: 1-player, VMU compatible, VGA Box support, Jump Pack Compatible, Standard Controller, Fishing Controller.

    Final Score:

    (out of a possible 10)

    Previous Reviews

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