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   PlanetDreamcast | Features | Rogue Spear Designer Diary | September 20, 2000

Rogue Spear Designer Diary
An inside look at the development of Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear for the Dreamcast

Entry Three: September 20, 2000

Hello again! We�re back to give you yet another update. Things are looking good.

In our last installment we discussed missions running, controller code, deathmatch, level sizes, and memory savings. These are the issues that we are really concentrating on, and will continue to work on until the final build submission.

We now have all single-player missions up and running. This was accomplished by compressing memory footprints until all missions ran properly. Our next goal is to reduce memory sizes for the multi-player maps for DeathMatch.

Before we started Rogue Spear we called the major peripheral manufacturers such as MadCatz and Nyko, who were kind enough to send us a big box of controllers, VMU�s, and Jump Packs to work with. So far we have found no incompatibility issues with any of these peripherals. We even had a chance to test the new controller from MadCatz called the Panther! All we have left is the mouse that Sega should have to us by the end of the week.

I suppose the biggest news of this journal is that we are very close to an Alpha submission (we hope this makes you all as happy as we are). We should have a GD ready to go within the next week.

Our future weeks will be spent working on framerate and loading times. By the time our next (and final) journal rolls around, we should be pretty much wrapped up. So, I�ll see ya then!

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