Sega Classics: NiGHTS Into Dreams
Sonic Team's 1997 masterpiece is truly magical - by Tren Page 2/3
 Choose a dream, any dream. Note my crap score. |
NiGHTS was probably the first title to really demand analogue control, and as such a brand new Saturn pad was designed purely for the title. (This pad would later be the inspiration for the very similar looking Dreamcast pad.) Despite being on rails and having 2-D control, the ability to accurately circle NiGHTS without being limited to just 8 digital directions is essential to properly enjoying the game (although the game can still be played with the digital pad, this isn�t recommended).
The analogue pad allows NiGHTS players to gracefully fly through the dream worlds, collecting items by looping them (a technique known as paralooping, where a complete circle by NiGHTS forms a vortex which sucks in all nearby items) and racking up points by flying through rings in quick succession. Also, the blue chips used to overload the Ideya become gold chips once the dream energy is released, and collecting as many of these as possible results in a nice bonus once the course is finished.
NiGHTS also features what I consider to be the coolest bonus scoring system ever -- something called �links�. By flying through rings successively and collecting items quickly a link count appears. If you can keep picking up items or going through rings about once per second, the link will continue to grow, finally stopping when you fail to grab an item or ring in time. Good players can create links that go in the hundreds, resulting in absolutely massive scores. Aside from links, there is also a special yellow and blue ring in some courses, which creates a yellow ribbon trail behind NiGHTS. While the ribbon�s around, NiGHTS is rewarded for performing various acrobatic special moves through different combinations of analogue directions and L+R trigger presses.
To really excel, you need to fit all of the above techniques into your gameplay, and here lies the genius of NiGHTS. You have to find your own best way through each course to free the dream energy as quickly as possible, and then rack up as many points as possible through achieving the highest links over and over, collecting as many gold chips as possible, and performing as many stunts as possible (assuming the course contains a stunt ribbon). This process is highly rewarding to the dedicated player, giving the game a depth that is lacking in, say, Mario64. Whilst initially Mario64 was thought to be a better game, no one who�s completed the game will still return to it on a regular basis months or even years after doing so. NiGHTS is at the other end of the spectrum, practically oozing replay value.
 The stunt ribbon is your cue to start busting out the crazy tricks. |
Hi-scores isn�t all there is to NiGHTS though, it�s the dream world you get lost in when playing the game which makes it an even more fantastic experience. Some of the best game music ever composed is played straight off the Saturn�s remarkable sound chip, and it actually changes each time you play, influenced by the emotions of the little Nightopian babies which can be found on the ground of each of the worlds. The foundation for Sonic Team�s later work with the Chao of Sonic Adventure, these little creatures have their own A-Life which must be nurtured by opened their eggs and performing tricks for them, as well as visiting them as Elliot or Claris. Each dream has its own Nightopian population which affects the music that plays for that dream.
And that brings us to the worlds, which are magnificent. Each course in the game is different, with at least one course per dream having a special feature unique to it. For example, in the final course of Spring Valley you get to fly up into the snow capped mountains of the world, and in the final course of Stick Canyon you get to ride a metal rollarcoaster whilst collecting chips. In Frozen Bell you get to run a bobsleigh run -- with NiGHTS as the sled! The thought and design that has gone into every aspect of each world is incredible -- the Minion Nightmaren for each dream world, the haunting soundtrack, the incredible bosses, as well as the challenge of each individual course. Everything excels.
The whole experience of the game is amazing and I�ve yet to play a game since where the escapism of the game world is so compelling that the desire to return rarely fades. Here is a truly original and unique game which still puts newly released �next generation� titles to shame in the areas of originality and design. Not since NiGHTS has a developer�s mind been allowed to run so wild in creating a game free from the constraints of common genres and rules about commercial viability.
Whilst the graphics have aged, and there are some noticeable clipping and Saturn transparency shortcomings, the game is still gorgeous to behold in its graphic style and immersion, and the soundtrack is still one of the best ever created.
Unfortunately it looks like NiGHTS will never be updated for a Dreamcast release, as a port seems unlikely and Saturn emulator are moving slowly, to say the least. The only way to experience this game is to get a Saturn. The game itself isn�t too rare, unlike some of the other Saturn games worth buying the hardware for (i.e. Panzer Dragoon Saga) however the special promotional NiGHTS: Christmas Edition is actually becoming scarce.
 There's a nice mirror effect in the Soft Museum. Touches like this abound throughout the game. |
What�s Christmas NiGHTS? It was a special promotional version of the game containing Claris� Spring Valley level all done up in snow, complete with some festive new music. As this is normally Claris� dream, the game included a special �reverse� mode version to play with as Elliot. This wasn�t just the original level backwards, however. All items were completely replaced to create an all new (gameplay-wise) dream good enough to have been in the full game. Not content with giving us a whole new level, the special disc also contained extra bonuses, one of which analysed your original NiGHTS save game data, informing you of how many Nightopians you had in each dream world as well as allowing you to see how their emotions actually affected the music. The disc also contained a music box, allowing you to remix all of the dream music, irrelevant of your nightopians� feelings, and then play with that remix on either of the festive dream courses. Also contained were loads of cool artwork, as well as an all new �acapella� version of the game�s theme tune. Christmas NiGHTS is pretty rare nowdays so don�t be disheartened if you can�t find a copy -- but it helps make the NiGHTS experience even more complete (think of it like the NiGHTS equivalent of the Shenmue Passport).
If before reading this you�d never heard of NiGHTS, or if you had but passed it by through one way or another, then don�t worry; there is still time for you to experience this classic bit of Sega gaming at its very best. If you look around enough you should be able to find a second hand Saturn, perhaps with a game, for little more than a full price Dreamcast title. There�s always auctions of old Saturn stuff on eBay, and a specialist console importer, whilst a little expensive, should be able to find a copy for you. Heck, even try the bargain bins if your local retailer still has Saturn stuff. If you don�t have a Saturn, there are enough amazing titles to make buying the hardware a must. If you have played NiGHTS before and dismissed it as simple or trite, hopefully I�ve convinced you to give it another chance.
Along with Shenmue, NiGHTS: Into Dreams is a game I�ll cherish for years to come -- I think you should too.
Next: Shots and Movies
