Sega Bass Fishing
Release Date: 10/13/99
Status: Released
Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega
Genre: Sports
Game Summary
You don�t have to buddy up to Charlie Tuna to get
hooked on fishing in a stunning 3D virtual lake. Got
the eagle eye and nerves of steel of a true sports
fisherman? Then just hold on tight, start reeling,
and don�t break that line. Lure the granddaddy
bass from the murky depths of Lake Paradise by
choosing different strategies. Three gameplay
modes make for non-stop fun for all levels of
expertise. A unique fishing controller gives you a
realistic jolt when a bass bites and then battles
your line. Dreamcast�s virtual fishing is so realistic,
you can almost smell the slime. After a few hours
on the lake, you�ll be telling stories of the Big One
that didn�t get away.
It's Kinda Like...
RPG Fishing Derby 3D
The Buzz
It's not often that you get to use the words "kick-ass" and "fishing game" in the same sentences, but the critics are already raving. It's probably safe to call this one the best fishing game of all time.
Three special modes to choose from,
including an exclusive Consumer Mode
that offers tournament participation.
High-end 3D graphics create real-life
effects and a stunning virtual world.
Realistic fishing rod peripheral enables
you to wind and cast the reel.
Choose a different casting point, using
different strategies and for each area.
A large selection of lures makes for
true-to-life fishing.
Dreamcast�s fishing controller gives a
realistic feel to your line.
PlanetDreamcast's Sega Bass Fishing Review
IGN's Review
SegaX's Review
X-Button - Area Selection (Original Mode)
Y-Button - Lure Selection
A-Button - Select, Cast
B-Button - Cancel
Triggers - Reeling
There's also an optional fishing controller.
The working U.S. title for Sega Bass Fishing was "Get Bass." It also has the honor of being the first Dreamcast non-launch title to be released in North America.
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