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   PlanetDreamcast | Features | Gamer's Choice: The Best DC Games of the Year

Gamer's Choice: The Best Dreamcast Games of the Year
The votes are in. Here are the games YOU think are the best. - by PDC Staff and Readers
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First Place:
Spirit of Speed: 1937

It's like a half-finished N64 emulator programmed in QBASIC running on an underclocked Dreamcast. Let's hear it for the GAME OF THE YEAR!
YES! In a stunning come from behind upset, LJN's Spirit of Speed has come out of nowhere, obliterating its competition with a full 33% of the reader vote. That's no surprise, either, as this is the best racing game set in 1937 that we've ever played. Here is what critics thought of Stephen King's It:

  • King is our great storyteller. - Los Angeles Herald Examiner
  • A landmark in American literature. - Chicago Sun-Times
  • It will overwhelm you... Characters so real you feel you are reading about yourself...Scenes to be read in a well-lit room only! - Los Angeles Times
  • King's most mature work. -St. Petersburg Times High praise indeed!

    Other Interesting Reader Comments:

    E.C.: Spirit of what? (Speed.)

    Stevie W.: Where the hell am I? Hello? Who took my cane?!

    Barry B.: Here's a lockpick. It might be handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you. (Thanks Barry, a winner is you. Uh oh, the truck have started to move.)


    Mad Carl: It's a hateful attack from the development team on the rest of humanity. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. (True, that.)


    Alright. Sorry. Are you ready?

    Aw hell, I know you've already scrolled down and taken a peek.

    (The Real) First Place:

    Hello, Ryo speaking.
    Yes, Sega AM2's remarkable adventure grabbed a full 33% of the votes, making it by and far the winner of the PDC Gamer's Choice Award. (Coincidentally, we liked it just as much, and gave it our #1 pick as well!) So what's so great about Shenmue? Jack S. puts it well. "I have Shenmue for Dreamcast Game of the Year because I feel it best showcases the dreamcast's power, and how its developers continue to produce top notch and innovative product." Amen! Adrian M. had a more conventional (but equally valid) theory. "This game brought a refreshing change to the video game industry. The execution is PERFECT and the graphics are phenomenal. This is the first game in a long time that kept me playing just to see what happened next. Never boring and never too difficult." Of course, we're also tempted to just say "the hell with it!" and agree with Esa M., who eloquently writes "SHENMUE KICKS ASS!". Damn right, woman(?). Shenmue kicks ass, and that's all that matters.

    Other Interesting Reader Comments:

    Kou C.: this game is so beautiful (Undoubtedly.)

    Simon G.: what can i say its an epic game! amazing graphics tons of characters to interface with , mini games, tekken style fighting, button bashing ... its got the lot =)

    James B.: It was rough to pick only one among Shenmue and Skies. But Shenmue eventualy won out. I love both games but Shenmue was much more gripping. (Yeah, it's kind of like Michael Jackson that way.)

    BLiZZaRD: Shenmue. By miles. It's the first time since Final Fantasy VII I stayed up one night for a game. A revolution in Gaming History.

    Fredso: Although Crazy Taxi can be more fun; Shenmue is overall better. (Weird name, weird reasoning.)

    Rob H.: I think Shenmue is worthy of your game of the year award because it's so diverse, so huge and every part of it is detailed. And where else do you get to drive a forklift care for a kitten and race down a highway on a motorcycle? (I think all that stuff happened in one particular episode of Mr. Belvedere, but I digress.)

    WebSarge: Your mom gave me crabs last night. I want a refund damnit. (Sorry, you play, you pay.)

    Kasey: It was a hard choice for me between shenmue and Jet Grind Radio, both games are rightous and deserve the top spot. I picked Shenmue because the work that went into the game is so evident, everything makes sense and the story floes along nicely.

    And lastly, the final word on Shenmue.

    Kevin: You can even brush your teeth in the game.

    BAM! Like I always say, count on Kevin to get right to the heart of the matter. Anyway, that concludes this year's PlanetDreamcast Reader's Choice Awards. The competition was extremely tough this year... but wouldn't it be great if it were ever tougher next year? Who knows, that just might be possible. Sega is on a roll with Dreamcast and luck just may continue to smile on 'em. Whatever happens, be it an epidemic of exploding VMUs or the rise to dominance of toothbrushing sims, we'll be there to cover it. Here's to a great, game-filled 2001!

    Essential Links:

  • GameSpy's DC Game of the Year
  • PDC's Shenmue Review
  • PDC's Resident Evil: Code Veronica Review
  • SportPlanet's THPS2 (PC) Review
  • PDC's Spirit of Speed Mauling
  • Mayenberg Goat Milk
  • PlanetDreamcast.com
  • Previous Features

    Comments on this feature? Cheesed off that Spirit of Speed didn't really win anything? Mail Feedback, or Take it to the Forums!

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