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Best DC Role Playing Games
While RPGs in the past were just a small niche genre outside of Japan, recent successes inspired mainly by Final Fantasy VII have helped launch RPGs into the mainstream. The Dreamcast was quick to getting RPGs for such a young system, beginning with Evolution and continuing with games actually worth playing such as those found below.
Skies of Arcadia
 Sailing the skies and looking for discoveries is tons of fun. |
With an upbeat quest and some innovative and fun ideas, Vyse and the sky pirates venture off to distant islands to uncover secrets in Skies of Arcadia, one of the most refreshing RPGs in recent memory. Unlike other RPGs which wait until the mid-point to give you an airship, Skies of Arcadia does it right from the bat by bequeathing Vyse and crew with a ship of their own to sail the turn-based combat infested skies. The world is comprised of floating islands, and you use your air ship to travel among them while playing Robin Hood with other pirates.
Skies of Arcadia is both a joy to play and to watch. The story may harken back to traditional motiffs such as those in Lunar: The Silver Star, but it still feels new in this age of anti-heroes and mopey, whiny main characters. The ship warfare provides for a great alternative to standard RPG character combat, and the characters are a joy to watch with their many facial expressions and animation. Sega once again proves that the company can make more than just action games, as Skies of Arcadia is easily one of the greatest RPGs ever put to disc.
Grandia 2
 GameArts succeeds with a great, fast moving story. |
Grandia 2 and Skies of Arcadia were released shortly after the other, and many RPG fans were left wondering what to play through first. Grandia 2 answers the call with one of the most enjoyable traditional combat systems seen in recent years along with a host of pleasing graphics and music. All of the charm, story, and music that marked the first Grandia has successfully been transplanted into the sequel.
The cast are well realized and are a likeable bunch almost parodying the original Grandia's crew with a sort of adventurous spirit but innocent just the same. The story moves at a quick pace and is quite satisfying despite a reliance on RPG cliches. Of course, cliches aren't a bad thing when done exceptionally well, and that's what Grandia 2 is, more or less -- a really well done RPG which you've seen before in parts but makes for a new experience as a whole.
Phantasy Star Online
 Get on-line and kiss your job good bye. |
When the word "crack" is applied to video games, that generally is a good thing. Phantasy Star Online is video game crack. It is easily to most consistently addicting console RPG around and an amazing first attempt at a console online RPG at that. Leveling up has always been a tedious chore in other RPGs, but Phantasy Star Online makes it exciting and fun. Hop aboard a ship, select from thousands of people online across the globe, and pick three to join you in a quest on the planet Rogol.
The combat engine is pure hack-n-slash action, though it never really requires great hand-eye coordination or skill. It's simply a more action-oriented RPG -- everything is just done in real-time. While the lack of variety of worlds make PSO a somewhat short-lived experience alone, the on-line component more than makes up for the single player mode. With three difficulty selections available, the game will consistently provide a challenge no matter what your level may be. While the story is very simple compared to other RPGs, Phantasy Star Online is still a fun game in the end. Sure, most play RPGs for the story, but then we also play games for enjoyment. A mix of both is a nice thing to be had.
Next: Sports Games

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